Saturday, September 3, 2011

When you step away from what's comfortable sometimes you find something even better


Russian Dolls
Sharpie pen & ink drawings

I finally upgraded my old phone, and decided to go with the iPhone. So far I'm really happy with it. Loving all the apps you can find for it. One of the apps I was playing with the other day was the scanner that reads those funny little black and white blocks that are popping up everywhere lately, also known as a QR code box. I used the scanner on a box at the bottom of a Sharpie ad in a magazine I was reading. It took me to Sharpie's new website and introduced me to a new marker, as well as a great group of artists with inspiring work.

One of the artists I saw on the site is named Chemming Boey. He is an artist who tried something new and found something better. Looking for something to draw on one day, he decided to try the Styrofoam cup at the coffee shop. What came out of that challenge turned into a career. His coffee cups are valued and collected all over the world, some selling for as much as $1,400. Yes I said $1,400 DOLLARS. They are pretty creative, and fun to look at. Take a look at his work in this video on the Sharpie site at . Then if you want to see more Sharpie art go to

I'll admit it, I'm a pen snob. I like the feel of certain pens when I'm doing my pen and ink drawings. It has to be smooth, crisp, dark and not bleed. Open to trying new things I picked up one of these "no bleed" Sharpie pens on a back-to -school shopping trip with my daughter. Anxious to try it out I sat down to draw. I was impressed (takes very little to excite me) it did everything promised. I was inspired and went off on a drawing frenzy. Even posting some of my new Sharpie work on the site myself. It's been fun, I never leave home with out my iPhone or my new Sharpie pen.

This week I've stepped out of my comfort zone and tried something new, my phone, Qr boxes,  a Sharpie pen and in the process found something better. So what are you going to try?