Sunday, December 18, 2011

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays from the Hamilton 2011

Hi everyone- Long time no chat. It has been a long and succesful semester. Even though the two days I'm at school (managed to complete fulltime in two days) are very long. They are turning out to be my favorite days of the week. So glad I stepped out of my comfort zone to continue to follow my dreams. I have found that my creativity has grown by leaps and bounds over the last 4 months. The teachers at Moore College of Art, as well as my fellow students are so inspiring. Everyday we reach for new things. I look at my body of work for the semester and I can say I am very proud. A quick break for a few weeks and then back to work.

I wanted to share our family holiday card with everyone. It's a tradition here. I have been creating my own cards since I was a teenager. They have evolved over the years as my talents and our family has. So please enjoy our humor. I wish you all much love, luck and prosperity in 2012. A lot of people think that 2012 may be the end of times, personally I believe it will be a shift in human conciseness. So Peace and blessings to everyone.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

When you step away from what's comfortable sometimes you find something even better


Russian Dolls
Sharpie pen & ink drawings

I finally upgraded my old phone, and decided to go with the iPhone. So far I'm really happy with it. Loving all the apps you can find for it. One of the apps I was playing with the other day was the scanner that reads those funny little black and white blocks that are popping up everywhere lately, also known as a QR code box. I used the scanner on a box at the bottom of a Sharpie ad in a magazine I was reading. It took me to Sharpie's new website and introduced me to a new marker, as well as a great group of artists with inspiring work.

One of the artists I saw on the site is named Chemming Boey. He is an artist who tried something new and found something better. Looking for something to draw on one day, he decided to try the Styrofoam cup at the coffee shop. What came out of that challenge turned into a career. His coffee cups are valued and collected all over the world, some selling for as much as $1,400. Yes I said $1,400 DOLLARS. They are pretty creative, and fun to look at. Take a look at his work in this video on the Sharpie site at . Then if you want to see more Sharpie art go to

I'll admit it, I'm a pen snob. I like the feel of certain pens when I'm doing my pen and ink drawings. It has to be smooth, crisp, dark and not bleed. Open to trying new things I picked up one of these "no bleed" Sharpie pens on a back-to -school shopping trip with my daughter. Anxious to try it out I sat down to draw. I was impressed (takes very little to excite me) it did everything promised. I was inspired and went off on a drawing frenzy. Even posting some of my new Sharpie work on the site myself. It's been fun, I never leave home with out my iPhone or my new Sharpie pen.

This week I've stepped out of my comfort zone and tried something new, my phone, Qr boxes,  a Sharpie pen and in the process found something better. So what are you going to try?

Monday, August 8, 2011

New twist to the familiar.

Images from the new "Vintage Series"

As we begin to approach fall and the back to school times, some things in life seem familiar. Although maybe with a new twist.

The other day my youngest Kayla and I headed out to do our back to school shopping. With list in hand we headed to Target. This has always been one of my favorite shopping expeditions, even before I had my own children. The idea of heading into a new school year, with my shiny new materials was exciting. It felt to me, as a chance to start over. A kin to the feelings we all have as we approach New Year's Eve.

We browsed the aisles overfilling with the new pencils, paper, notebooks and crayons. My daughter remarked at the senses in the tiny box of crayons. With it's familiar waxy smell and bright identifiable colors (think brick red, cornflower, maize). Did you know that Wikipedia has a page devoted to the color names of the crayola crayons? They've renamed an old favorite, ultra blue to blizzard blue.

I've been working on a series of pieces for an upcoming exhibit at Doylestown Hospital. It's a place that I seek health care with my family, as well as the place I go to volunteer with families in need, as a Lay Chaplain. The series focuses on images that may conjure up "vintage" in your mind. Using a medium that is familiar to me, pen and ink, combined with a new medium that I am learning, digital painting. Intertwining them with old images of postcards, maps and stamps.

This year when school starts, somethings will be the same, but a little different. Kayla will head off to a new school, as she enters 10th grade. I will head off to a new/old adventure, as I begin at Moore College of Art to complete the Graphic Design degree started many years ago. Both of us are excited about the next chapters in our lives. So I guess you can say everything old can be new again, school, artwork, even a box of crayons. Tell me what your favorite Crayola color was growing up. Mine was periwinkle.

So while you finish up those back to school chores, try and enjoy your last few days of summer. Maybe even buy yourself a new box of crayons.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Will actual printed books be here in the future?

Illustrations from my new e-book

Down load the book here:

I recently published my first two children's books. Not in the traditional way though. They are e-books. The books I believe of the future. With the advent of the Kindle, the Nook and iPads I believe the face of the publishing world is about the change or already has begun the evolution of change.

I have been drawing and illustrating for many years. Not quite sure how to put the two together and turn it into a children's book. That was until recently. I had a gentleman contact me from Utales, an online book company. They have started an e-book site devoted solely to kids books. He had seen my illustrations and invited me to be one of their first authors for this new site. So I set about creating a book to submit, the story unfolding as if magic. I was so excited to see it come to life on the screen.

The next generation will grow up reading with their parents on the i-Pad, Nook, Kindle or computer. It will be what is the normal for them. It is also a great opportunity for the illustrator/author who has for years struggled to have their voice heard. As they can directly create and publish their works without the politics of the print publishing world. We have seen self publishing begin to take a bite out of that already. I for one still enjoy the holding of the printed book, relishing the turning of the actual pages.

Is it possible with the industry of e-books and self publishing that we can remain within the best of both worlds? I think we can. So if you have wee ones in your life, or you wish to check out my book. Visit Utales and enjoy some spectacular kid's reads. Step into the future of reading. Have fun!

Visit the site here:

Monday, July 11, 2011

Art for Art's Sake

2011 Phoenix Art-40 Art Submissions

Given the opportunity to purchase good art, some from already famous and accomplished artists. Or maybe an up and comer. Would you just buy a piece just because the art speaks to you? Phoenix Art, a wonderful local art supply store here in Doylestown has an annual art show that allows you to do just that. It's called 40 Art. All the pieces are smaller than 5x7 and all pieces are priced at the unbelievable price of $40. Many genres are available photography, mixed media, pen/ink, paiting, collage, scultpture. If it's art and under the 5x7 size, it's there. Obviously you can see that this is a show by artist for the pure love of creating, no one's getting rich here.

The most inetersting part of the show is that all work is shown annonymously until purchased for the $40 dollar price. So you may luck out spending $40 on a piece by a famous local artist, a great investment. The opening night is very interesting to watch. The line will start an hour or two before the opening. Everyone is kept behind the magic curtain and the line will wind it's way throughout the store and out the door. At 7 o'clock the curtain is dropped and everyone jockeys for their view. It sounds like an auction as people yell for the attendant to mark their purchases. Sometimes it feel's like you've won the lottery. I have shown several times in this show, but I value all the pieces I have purchased over the years. Some I remember the artists names, some famous, some not yet. But ultimately I love to pass them as I walk down my hall way and smile. Because I appreciate them for their beauty. For the artist that spoke to me that night through them.

So if you want to enjoy a special experience. Join us at Pheonix Art in Doylestown, Friday July 15th from 7 to 9 pm. Let someone's art speak to you and buy art for art's sake, just because you like it. By the way check back after the 15th and I'll reveal my entries for this year. Till then... no peeking.

For more info on the show go to the shops website at

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Amazing How Surprises Happen When You Let Your Guard Down

Winner & Official Poster of the 44th Annual Santa Paula Citrus Festival 2011

Have you ever really wished for something or wanted it really bad? Well recently I created a piece of artwork for an illustration class. The assignment was to create a poster for a festival. Create an original piece using Adobe Illustrator to help with the illustrating. Not wanting to just create something for the class only, I decided to research festivals online. I came across a citrus festival in California, Santa Paula to be exact. This festival had a long standing history in the California Citrus Community for many years. Actually Santa Paula is known as the "Citrus Capital of the World" for it's expansive lemon and orange groves. Tens of thousands of visitors come to this annual festival each year.

As I researched the festival I discovered that they even had an annual contest to find a winning design for the festival's poster. I was impressed with the past winning artists and chose that as my project destination.

Knowing the feel and look I wanted I began my research and design activities and put in countless hours completing my piece. In the end I was happy with what I had done. I submitted it to my teacher and was pleased with the A, I received. The last thing I had to do was send the image to California before the judging deadline and await the results. I had actually forgotten about it for a while. Then a few weeks ago I went on to their website to see if I could find the results. I saw an artists named for the poster and it wasn't me. I was a bit disappointed, but was still happy with myself and the job I had done.

A few weeks went by and I received a letter from the festival committee. I opened it thinking it would say thank you for entering, but the winner was... blah blah blah. To my happy surprise it was actually a congratulations, you have won letter. My poster had been chosen out of all the entries to be the official one used for the 44th annual Santa Paula Citrus Festival. Woohoo, mission accomplished. I was totally surprised, a very happy surprise at that. Here I had viewed last years web page with the 43rd annual winner listed. Old news as they would say. I am very honored to be in the company of the past winning artists.

So I let my expectations and guard down thinking I had been defeated and instead had gotten a very happy surprise when I didn't expect a certain outcome. Maybe if I begin to let my guard down a bit more I'll receive more good stuff. How about you? Has this ever happened to you? Let me know your story.

If you happen to be in Santa Paula California this month between July 15th to the 17th. Pop on by the festival and have  some fun. Keep your eyes open and maybe you'll see the winning poster too.

For more info on the festival go to

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Being Amongst Giants

Two pieces recently chosen by the Jurors of the 
Philadelphia Sketch Club's Annual "Philastration" Show

I was very honored and humbled to be a part of the Philadelphia Sketch Club's Annual Illustration Exhibit that opened this weekend. As my husband Keith, son Cody and his girlfriend Jenna traveled to Center City on Sunday for my first "Grown Up" Artist's reception, I was full of emotions. Excitement that my work has gotten to a level where it can be honored amongst my peers. Fear of maybe not fitting in and awe that I was being included with these great artists.

When we finally arrived (thank goodness for Cody's familiarity of the city and his phone's GPS), we approached this historic building with reverence. It's a very quaint, probably 200+ year old brownstone down a tiny alley. We headed to the door and stepped in. I made my way up the stairs bursting to see all the works. As I rounded the corner I was not disappointed. Works abound on these ancient walls. So many beautifully illustrated pieces. I took them all in. Studying each stroke. Then I turned around and there was my work. Framed and hanging among the rest. To my surprise it seemd to fit in.

I was able to mingle and network amongst my peers. Everyone was so welcoming. I even had a chance to meet some of the exhibiting artists who to my surprise will also be professors this fall as I head to Moore College of Art.

I still at times feel funny being one of the oldest in my classes. Surrounded by fresh faced, wide eyed teens and young adults. But tonight I felt as if I'd grown up a bit and maybe I was where I was supposed to be.
So head on down to the city and take a stroll down to 235 S.Camac St. between June 24th and July16th and take in some art. 
For more information about the "Philastration" show visit their website at

Thursday, June 9, 2011

What's Refreshing to You?

Citrus Festival Poster

As I look at the thermometer rise above the 100' mark, I search for a way to cool me down and quench my thirst. The images in the piece I created above make me long for a good old fashioned fresh squeezed lemonade. Maybe one from the Boardwalk in Ocean City New Jersey. Mmmm .....after a morning stroll on the boards, watching the surfers catch the first waves of the day. It makes me think about, what is it people grab for when the temperatures rise?

After my oldest son, Dylan, began attending school at Florida State University in Tallahassee and we'd go visit, my kids discovered southern sweet tea. Maybe a bit more sugar than tea for me. Actually I would become an embarrassment as I'd ask for my tea unsweetened, as if anyone in the south drinks their tea without it. Life was good for awhile when McDonalds added sweet tea to their menus up here in the north and the kids could get their southern fix.

Some would argue that having an ice cold beer is the way to go. I must agree that the first chilly Corona with a lime does quench the thirst. it 5 o'clock yet?

I guess the medical profession would argue that plain old H20 is the real and only way to refresh the body and quench the thirst. Not too chilly though. Let me know what your favorite way to quench and refresh your thirst is. In the meantime enjoy my glass of lemonade above. Keep cool!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Once you see something clearly, you can't unsee it

Pen & ink illustration of a famous fable told by the Buddha.

It's amazing what the mind can see and do. Try this experiment, look around the room what do you see? Now look around that same room and don't look at the thing that is red! What was obvious to you? The red item that wasn't there before right?. Well in life sometimes we focus on the things we don't want. Like worrying over something that could or might happen. Inevitably that's what comes into our life.

This week let's try an experiment. Focus on the good you want in your life for the week. Don't worry if old habits creep back in, just smile and think of the good. At the end of the week see if it's made a difference for you. Has anything changed? Let me know what has happened.

By the way, the illustration above was a recent "graphic novel" type drawing that I did. It was an illustrated version of a story told by the Buddha, "The Hare on the Moon". It has a wonderful moral to it. Take a moment to read it. Next time your out at night look for the moon and see if you can find the hare on it. I bet you you'll never look at the moon the same again. Or for that matter what you want to invite into your day to day life. Enjoy.

Monday, May 9, 2011

What did you want to be when you grew up?

One of my favorite watercolors that I did. It reminds me of Monet's Gardens.
I think we all have big plans for ourselves when we are little and believe that everything is possible. I think sometimes as we get older and feel that maybe we are a bit off track, looking back to this image can help guide us. Think about it a bit. I know when I was small one of my biggest dreams was to be an artist. I drew on everything and anywhere. Those were the times when I felt my soul truly soar. Let me know what you wanted to be, and if that is what you are practicing today.

Life's funny timing

Dylan after receiving his Bachelors of Sport Management from Florida State University
This past weekend my husband and I traveled to Tallahassee Florida to attend my oldest son, Dylan's College Graduation. It seems like yesterday that I was putting him on the school bus for first grade. Now 17 years later he has become a young man headed out to pursue his dreams in Sports management. I've always taught him to do what he loves and he'll never have to work a day in his life. He's taken my advice and will probably head overseas to work with rugby in either Australia or South Africa.

So now it's time to heed my own advice. So last fall I returned to Bucks County Community College to brush up on my Art skills (my first passion)  and have decided to transfer out to a 4 year art school. Well as we were in Tallahassee this weekend waiting for my son's graduation, I received a personal phone call from the admissions counselor at Moore College of Art and Design in Philadelphia, letting me know that I have been accepted as a transfer student there for the fall. It may take me sometime to finish up what I started almost 30 years ago, but I'm back on my path.

Today I received my acceptance letter from the school. The Universe decided to remind me that when you're doing what you love, it will provide. With the letter was an additional unexpected gift. Because of my current GPA and portfolio submitted they have decided to give me a scholarship too. Feeling truly blessed today and feeling certain of the road up ahead.

Challenging yourself to try new things

Recently I have been trying to breakout of my artistic comfort zone. Reading books, going to museums and studying other artists. I picked up a book titled "Taking Flight- Inspiration & Techniques to give your Creative spirit wings " by an artist named Kelly Rae Roberts. What a delightful book. She has such a kindred style of art to my own. Wonderful exercises and journaling throughout. I've always wanted to expand my skills and knowledge of mixed media and her style fit what I was looking for. I studied her techniques and the tutorials and the piece you see her was the end result. A self portrait with a lot of meaning ( my inner child, my grandmother and more). So I stepped out of my artistic comfort zone and tried something new and I think grew my creative spirit wings a bit. Thank you Kelly for an inspiring book. If you want to learn more about Kelly and her art go here :

Come enjoy the arts at Bucks

His Holiness the Dali Lama, 1 of 3 pieces chosen for the annual art show.

Come enjoy beautiful art at Bucks County Community College's annual Arts at Bucks event April 19th thru May 7 at the Newtown Campus.

You never know what beauty lies in your own back yard. Take a drive over to Bucks County Community College April 19th thru May 7th. You will experience all forms of the arts from many talented people of Bucks County area.
Click the link below for a schedule of all the events. Art from the visual, theatrical performances, comedy, music, concerts and demonstrations. You won't be sorry.

For more info and a schedule of events go to: