Monday, August 8, 2011

New twist to the familiar.

Images from the new "Vintage Series"

As we begin to approach fall and the back to school times, some things in life seem familiar. Although maybe with a new twist.

The other day my youngest Kayla and I headed out to do our back to school shopping. With list in hand we headed to Target. This has always been one of my favorite shopping expeditions, even before I had my own children. The idea of heading into a new school year, with my shiny new materials was exciting. It felt to me, as a chance to start over. A kin to the feelings we all have as we approach New Year's Eve.

We browsed the aisles overfilling with the new pencils, paper, notebooks and crayons. My daughter remarked at the senses in the tiny box of crayons. With it's familiar waxy smell and bright identifiable colors (think brick red, cornflower, maize). Did you know that Wikipedia has a page devoted to the color names of the crayola crayons? They've renamed an old favorite, ultra blue to blizzard blue.

I've been working on a series of pieces for an upcoming exhibit at Doylestown Hospital. It's a place that I seek health care with my family, as well as the place I go to volunteer with families in need, as a Lay Chaplain. The series focuses on images that may conjure up "vintage" in your mind. Using a medium that is familiar to me, pen and ink, combined with a new medium that I am learning, digital painting. Intertwining them with old images of postcards, maps and stamps.

This year when school starts, somethings will be the same, but a little different. Kayla will head off to a new school, as she enters 10th grade. I will head off to a new/old adventure, as I begin at Moore College of Art to complete the Graphic Design degree started many years ago. Both of us are excited about the next chapters in our lives. So I guess you can say everything old can be new again, school, artwork, even a box of crayons. Tell me what your favorite Crayola color was growing up. Mine was periwinkle.

So while you finish up those back to school chores, try and enjoy your last few days of summer. Maybe even buy yourself a new box of crayons.

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